Monday, August 18, 2008

this summer, i wanted to...

1) get my permit.
2) take driver's ed.
3) write. writewritewritewritewritewrite.
4) dye my hair.
5) read all the anime books that sam gave me.
6) actually use my deviantART for something.
7) go to the rockford rock quarry for a day.
8) ditto adventureland.
9) ditto lost island.
10) read several books on my "classic-literature" list, including the great gatsby, lord of the flies, catch-22, etc.
11) take decent pictures with my holga camera.[close enough!]
12) do an evil scheme.
13) spend a weekend camping with the posse.
14) go to at least one followed by ghosts show. [two.]
15) study for the ACTs.
16) start on NHD 2009!
17) actually decorate my room.
18) see as many of my friends as humanly possible.
19) survive.
20) have fun.

i didn't expect to...
21) find a little-known-about cemetary.
22) be a superhero running amok the ridges.
23) run through a beanfield with my best friends.
24) steal little kids' fishy masks and cakes at a carnival.
25) eat a watermelon in the middle of the street.
26) go on flasian hunts in various places.
27) see The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway =]
28) fall in love with an adorable little girl.
---->"i'm gonna be the princess, and daddy's gonna be the prince, and you - you can be the pumpkin!"
29) make the big chocolate chip cookie EVER [okay, a pretty big one.]
30) have the most interesting cab ride of my life.
---->"that stupid jewish girl! and then she goes and marries kevin federline, that stripper."
31) write some interesting song lyrics...
32) hate my time in North Dakota so much.
33) go to a tea party and end it by eating chinese food.
34) go on a picnic.
35) play capture the flag in the dead of night.
36) have to say a temporary goodbye to one of my very best friends. =[ <33333
37) cry so much.
38) laugh so much.
39) talk so much.
40) have potentially the best summer of my life so far.

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Brianne said...

i agree.
this summer was probably my best so far. =]

lucky13 said...

We WILL do an evil scheme... the date is just debateable.
If you come to the dance, maybe we could do one there?

Ashley Jorgensen said...

Hey Jordan-
I sat down to start some planning for the week and noticed your comment on the blog. I proceeded to make the mistake of clicking on YOUR blog and now, 45 minutes later, am getting back to you! Your blog is addicting!!! I'm very much looking forward to having you in class and getting to read more of your writing. You've got a gift!
See you tomorrow and thanks for sharing a piece of you (even if you didn't intend to:)
Oh...keep the same blog each week. If you start a new book, simply put the next title on the same card.