Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Stairs

Sophomore year has been amazing - I've learned much more than dimensional analysis or how to write a strong thesis statement; more than iteration or statistics; more than how to use ArcMap or speak past-tense in Spanish. I've discovered that I harbor a secret love for chemistry; that the feeling of hitting a tennis ball on the exact edge of the line is a great one; that a photo can be twisted and morphed to say as much as words can. I've found that most goodbyes, however sad, are only temporary; that second chances come by when you need them most; that relationships are made of both laughter and strife. All in all, this has been a year full of learning - both about people and about ourselves. This has been the year of The Stairs.

The Stairs have become a symbol - they are, in essence, sophomore year. They are the place we have congregated to time and time again; the place where laughter has abounded and secrets have been traded. They are the location of hundreds of jokes; the place where last minute homework was completed and conversations of all types were held. They are a symbol of love and friendship; of hard work and good times; a symbol of how far we've all come in the past year.

Thanks to The Stairs, I know now that life is more fun when you sing to all the songs on the radio; that a 4.0 GPA is nice, but that driving around with your best friends in the middle of the night is priceless. I know now that trips to VI outwiegh trips anywhere else; that ramen tastes better when it's made at midnight; that distance doesn't wear relationships out, but strengthens them. I've learned that even tables at fancy restaurants aren't what they seem to be; that conversations in code are the best kind; that the best nights are the ones you can't tell your parents about. I've experienced firsthand the stress of balancing theatre, music, sports, and more; I've gone everywhere from prom to Mormon dances. I've been to late nights at Perkins and late nights at Hy-Vee; I've forked lawns in the early morning and walked cemetaries in the dead of night. It feels like this year, the year of The Stairs, I have done everything.

In the past few months, The Stairs have opened up a new way of life for me - a life where nothing matters but having a good time. They've strengthened relationships and they've created new ones out of seemingly nothing. They've taught me how to organize my priorities; how to look at life from here on out. I honestly think that The Stairs, symbolism and all, have made my life take a turn for the better; and it's a feeling I like. I really do.

So here's to The Stairs - the relationships we've formed, the times we've had, the people we've become. Here's to whatever comes next.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer 2009:

1) Get my license.
2) Get a job.
3) Edit/order my NaNoWriMo novel.
4) Figure out my schedule for next year.
5) Start on NHD 2010!
6) Spend a day at the Rockford Rock Quarry.
7) Ditto Adventureland.
8) Ditto Lost Island.
9) Find Flagland.
10) Get Jodi Picoult's new book, "Handle with Care."
11) Go to at least one show.
12) Frequent the Lampost.
13) Have a "Murder is a Game" reunion!
14) Do an evil scheme.
15) Submit something for Big Fat Prize.
16) Have a billion-plus Village Inn trips.
17) See Nicole :] <3
18) Get service hours.
19) Have a second camping trip with the posse.
20) Force Heidi to take me on a photoshoot.
21) Have a tea party!
22) Actually decorate my room.
23) Take voice lessons from Mr. Grau.
24) Finish at least three chapters for Anatomy.
25) Ditto Scientific Latin.
26) Get better at photography (especially people).
27) Read some "classic literature."
28) Hang out with as many as my friends as often as humanly possible. 
29) Not waste a single moment.
30) Have the best summer yet.

There. That sounds like a good start.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Life.

the feeling of summer, tennis meets, waverly, bus rides, eating out, hy-vee trips, village inn, hilarious stories, driving around, "livin' the dream!", code names, sleepovers, night walks, hanging out, inside jokes, the lampost, getting text messages during school, birthday parties, "ballin'!", prom, attractive fire fighters, staying up too late, sleeping all day, long car rides, hotels, perkins at five in the morning, laughing so hard it hurts, visits from friends in far away places, matchmaking, potential prom dates,"jealousssssss!", chivalry, boy bashing, spaghetti night, finishing a great book, first and second place, cyber defense champions, intense games of spoons, five-day weekends, shows, mormon dances, falconPUNCH!, history day state finalist, yogurt jokes, the cedar falls cops, picking up the change!, THE MOSH PIT, a good hug from a great friend, happiness.