Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer 2009:

1) Get my license.
2) Get a job.
3) Edit/order my NaNoWriMo novel.
4) Figure out my schedule for next year.
5) Start on NHD 2010!
6) Spend a day at the Rockford Rock Quarry.
7) Ditto Adventureland.
8) Ditto Lost Island.
9) Find Flagland.
10) Get Jodi Picoult's new book, "Handle with Care."
11) Go to at least one show.
12) Frequent the Lampost.
13) Have a "Murder is a Game" reunion!
14) Do an evil scheme.
15) Submit something for Big Fat Prize.
16) Have a billion-plus Village Inn trips.
17) See Nicole :] <3
18) Get service hours.
19) Have a second camping trip with the posse.
20) Force Heidi to take me on a photoshoot.
21) Have a tea party!
22) Actually decorate my room.
23) Take voice lessons from Mr. Grau.
24) Finish at least three chapters for Anatomy.
25) Ditto Scientific Latin.
26) Get better at photography (especially people).
27) Read some "classic literature."
28) Hang out with as many as my friends as often as humanly possible. 
29) Not waste a single moment.
30) Have the best summer yet.

There. That sounds like a good start.


Nicole =) said...

*clicks "like" button*

Sam said...

10 more days, and i'll help you make it happen :)

lucky13 said...

This year we'll actually do something instead of just talking about an evil scheme...

Heidi said...

So about number 20... You can't force the willing. =]