Sophomore year has been amazing - I've learned much more than dimensional analysis or how to write a strong thesis statement; more than iteration or statistics; more than how to use ArcMap or speak past-tense in Spanish. I've discovered that I harbor a secret love for chemistry; that the feeling of hitting a tennis ball on the exact edge of the line is a great one; that a photo can be twisted and morphed to say as much as words can. I've found that most goodbyes, however sad, are only temporary; that second chances come by when you need them most; that relationships are made of both laughter and strife. All in all, this has been a year full of learning - both about people and about ourselves. This has been the year of The Stairs.
The Stairs have become a symbol - they are, in essence, sophomore year. They are the place we have congregated to time and time again; the place where laughter has abounded and secrets have been traded. They are the location of hundreds of jokes; the place where last minute homework was completed and conversations of all types were held. They are a symbol of love and friendship; of hard work and good times; a symbol of how far we've all come in the past year.
Thanks to The Stairs, I know now that life is more fun when you sing to all the songs on the radio; that a 4.0 GPA is nice, but that driving around with your best friends in the middle of the night is priceless. I know now that trips to VI outwiegh trips anywhere else; that ramen tastes better when it's made at midnight; that distance doesn't wear relationships out, but strengthens them. I've learned that even tables at fancy restaurants aren't what they seem to be; that conversations in code are the best kind; that the best nights are the ones you can't tell your parents about. I've experienced firsthand the stress of balancing theatre, music, sports, and more; I've gone everywhere from prom to Mormon dances. I've been to late nights at Perkins and late nights at Hy-Vee; I've forked lawns in the early morning and walked cemetaries in the dead of night. It feels like this year, the year of The Stairs, I have done everything.
In the past few months, The Stairs have opened up a new way of life for me - a life where nothing matters but having a good time. They've strengthened relationships and they've created new ones out of seemingly nothing. They've taught me how to organize my priorities; how to look at life from here on out. I honestly think that The Stairs, symbolism and all, have made my life take a turn for the better; and it's a feeling I like. I really do.
So here's to The Stairs - the relationships we've formed, the times we've had, the people we've become. Here's to whatever comes next.