Friday, August 21, 2009

Chasing Life.

Let's waste time -
it's already going too fast anyway.

Two years and counting. That's all that's left. That's a pretty long time, right now. Two years ago, we sat hand in hand, me wishing for the days to go faster and the age lines to grow deeper. One year ago, we stood with you on the brink of disaster, only to find the disasters within us. Was that really last year? Or the year before?

It feels like only yesterday.

Days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years, years to lives. Is that how reality is supposed to work?

The thought of junior year makes me want to go crazy. Maybe I already am.


Is it really that time of my life already? Am I the only one not ready for this?

Three years ago, we glided on freshly-painted floors and fell from laughing so hard. I have the stains to prove it. Four years ago, we started to ascend the slopes of adolescence and fear and hurt and happiness. I have the memories as keepsakes. Was that really so long ago?

It feels like only yesterday.

Minutes pass and turn to hours. Each wasted moment is an oppurtunity gone forever - one less time to actually live. Is this how I'm supposed to think? To feel? To do? To live?

Thoughts like these make me go crazy. I probably already am.

1 comment:

Brianne said...

gliding on freshly painted floors.