at least i thought so...
but yeah.
anyway, here are my pictures;

this is seriously one of my favorite pictures EVER. =D

so i guess the question is...did they know each other was doing that? o___O


so pretty much, we're lovers =D

hanging out.

jordan and karly :]

"guys! let's see how many people we can fit into a picture!"

...and again...

...and AGAIN...

...and again. =P

heidi = stoned
jordan = constipated?!?!

karly and sam :]

i love sams :]


random picture of mary ^_^

we is married.


fishy face XD

i love them<3333333

why didn't anyone TELL ME is what a smiley picture? ;D =P

i see rebecca ^_^

isn't she pretty?
i think so.

*no comment*


nicole and sam :]

aubrey and chelsea o.O


lol. *gasp?*

my ninnymuggins<3

i love them both with all i've got.



these are my heroes.
=] <3


brianne and jerod...

...again... o.O

heidi and sam...and jerod...

sammy!...and jerod...

elizabeth! :]

brianne! :P

nicole! =P


jerod: sam dorrance!
jordan: WHERE?!?!?!
*turns around and proceeds to tackle said sam >.<*

so pretty much, this is my boyfriend :P

=D <3
wow that dance was pretty fun
except all the drama
but when u gave sam that hug
it made me smile alot
it was way cute
Brianne's favorite picture comment
"so pretty much, this is my boyfriend"
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