Saturday, December 22, 2007

lately, i've been

really happy. it's a change, and i like it.

i feel like i've started to do more with my life - like i'm starting to get out there more. i don't feel as sad anymore; i'm happy more than i'm not. it might be the fact that christmas is here, or it could be the fact that i've finally gotten back into something fun schoolwise ~ i made the cut for the reader's theater group for our NU speech team, and i'm so grateful, not to mention verrry excited!

break so far has been amazing - i'm so happy that we can have fun without the loom of homework and school over our heads (although i do have a speech due when we get back - an entire persuasive speech on designer babies!)

i don't know why, but lately i've felt just a lot freer. been letting go and having more fun. happier, all in all. the only thing that's really troubling me is still my search for a hobby to go after - something i love and that i'm good at. i guess i'll just have to keep working on that one.

i guess i can also credit my newfound happiness to some of the PostSecret cards i've been reading lately ~ they let me know i'm not alone.
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to anyone who may stumble across this and read it: i don't know who you are, but i want you to be happy. take it from someone who knows: life has more in store for you than you may think. i may not know you, but i love you. i hope you're ok, wherever you are.

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