Monday, February 11, 2008


if everyone loved,
and people didn't hate so much,
and if people gave more,
and took less,
and smiled more,
and laughed louder,
and acted stupid more,
and had more fun,
and didn't care what other people might think about them,
and everyone was just themselves,
everyone would be a lot happier.

so why doesn't everyone do that?

i do.
and i'm happier than i've been my whole life.

goodnight, guys. i love you. <3


Anonymous said...

if only if only
the woodpecker cried
the bark on the tree
was a soft as the sky

sorry random holes moment >.<
love ya 3>

lucky13 said...

No, you do not have sad eyes very often. I was mostly thinking of state speech when you seemed really sad...