Wednesday, May 28, 2008

one of those typical blogs that every ex-girlfriend writes expressing their angst.

i just need you to understand:

there isn't/wasn't anyone else.
i still like you.
i still care about you.
but i just can't.

and i haven't quite entirely figured that last part out yet.
and i know that this is the part where everyone inserts the, "well, if you don't know for sure, why'd you do it?"


there always comes the why.

that's the thing. i don't entirely know why.
well, i know why, but i don't.
and it's not because i like someone else or because i don't like you.
it's the exact freakin' opposite.
which really may not make sense to you,
hell, it doesn't even make sense to me sometimes.
but i just need you to understand that. to accept it. to believe it. because it's the truth.

as for the "why",
i still don't know.

*insert a bunch of angst here*

but i'm sorry. really sorry.

sorry that i don't even understand myself.
sorry that i'm being confusing.
sorry that i didn't try harder.
sorry that it didn't work.
sorry that it couldn't work.
...could it?

this is where i start the thinking game again.
thinking about it all over again.
thinking about what everyone tells me.
thinking about what everyone doesn't tell me.
thinking about what i really want.
thinking way too fucking much about it all.

but you know what,
i'm really really really sick of thinking.
and i just want to know that everything's going to be okay.
because it is going to be okay...

and i remember myself, sitting here, typing on this very blog many months ago, asking you, begging you, pleading you, with this same exact question -


1 comment:

lucky13 said...

Everything will be alright in the end.
If it's not alright, it's not the end.

This is something that I live by.
Don't worry. You will hit a few snags in life, but it WILL be ok.
I promise.