Sunday, June 8, 2008

this summer, i want to...

1) get my permit.
2) take driver's ed.
3) write. writewritewritewritewritewrite.
4) dye my hair.
5) read all the anime books that sam gave me.
6) actually use my deviantART for something.
7) go to the rockford rock quarry for a day.
8) ditto adventureland.
9) ditto lost island.
10) read several books on my "classic-literature" list, including the great gatsby, lord of the flies, catch-22, etc.
11) take decent pictures with my holga camera.
12) do an evil scheme.
13) spend a weekend at cedar bend with the posse.
14) go to at least one followed by ghosts show.
15) study for the ACTs.
16) start on NHD 2009!
17) actually decorate my room.
18) see as many of my friends as humanly possible.
19) survive.
20) have fun.

there. that sounds like a good start.

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