Sunday, April 27, 2008

the pursuit of happiness.

weirdgurl18: happiness is a good thing.

indeed, it is a good thing. life would be a lot easier, i think, if we were all just happier. so i've taken up the happiness challenge that's been going around. here are 100 things that make me happy...and that's not even putting a dent in it.

1. my friends. <33333
2. my family. <33333
3. helium balloons.
4. 4 in the morning with no sleep.
5. hugs.
6. piggyback rides.
7. laughing so hard it hurts.
8. bendy straws.
9. speech contest.
10. really good books.
11. evil schemes.
12. codenames.
13. dancing.
14. indie music.
15. listening to heidi try to hang up the phone and fail in a three-way call...
16. awkwardness.
17. smiling.
18. holding hands.
19. the nerd posse.
20. blogging.
21. amazing photographs.
22. potter puppet pals.
23. trampolines.
24. history day.
25. playgrounds.
26. walgreens.
27. being on the same wavelength as someone else.
28. GNOME! <3
29. inside jokes.
30. watching pointless stuff on youtube.
31. reminiscing about good times.
32. knowing that the people i care about are happy.
33. graffiti on facebook.
34. PostSecret.
35. stalking [lolz.]
36. texting song lyrics to other people.
37. writing.
38. being attacked by the vicious puddles of despair and destruction.
39. Super Spaz and Handicap Hero.
40. reallyreally loud music.
41. my phone.
42. being able to say awkward things in Bosnian.
43. watching Kirby "hardcore dance."
44. set strike after plays <3
45. making up stories behind Willy the Travelling Salesman...
46. being a nerd.
47. getting good grades.
48. FOOD.
49. the lamp post.
50. parties.
51. when someone calls me because they miss me.
52. jamming out in sam's dad's car to hardcore music...
53. "Bob", the moustache man.
54. not being afraid.
55. being loved.
56. clear skies and sunny days.
57. thunderstorms and pouring rain.
58. crying when i need to.
59. drawing epic pictures on Elizabeth's chalkboard.
60. stargazing.
61. really good poetry.
62. the truth.
63. the rock wall.
64. the word "fetus."
65. being "married" to heidi.
66. followed by ghosts.
67. kicking ass at mini-chef cookoffs.
68. running around walmart.
69. talking on the phone.
70. loving with all i have.
71. being a guitar hero n00b.
72. writing angsty poetry.
73. the feeling of accomplishment.
74. fitting 13 people on one couch.
75. acting.
76. apples to apples.
77. getting off-topic.
78. movie nights.
79. hot chocolate.
80. professionally unloading uhauls.
81. mr. darcy <3333333333333
82. talking in third person.
83. having deep thoughts about nothing, really.
84. stealing/wearing sam's giant red headphones.
85. Bibleman and Pathfinder!
86. ellipsis...
87. reader's theatre<33333
88. being hyper in the extreme.
89. holga cameras.
90. bonfires.
91. when people just care.
92. ranting on about nothing.
93. emoticons. o.O >.< ^_^
94. mix tapes.
95. ren-fest<3333333333
96. conversing.
97. letting it out.
98. being mistaken for terrorists.
99. just having a good time.
and 100. knowing that someone cared enough about me to read all the way to the end.


so thanks for reading and possibly caring. and i guess the question is now for you...what makes you happy?

"yeah, you make me merry, make me very, very happy."


Anonymous said...

I love you!(and not in the cheesy way that everyone's been making a fuss over... >.<)
that's about all i can say after that extremely long( and AMAZING) list! =P

lucky13 said...

Was that really a hundred?
It seemed to go by rather quickly...

Yay for "bob"!!!!!!

Love you and miss you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!